Helllooooo Hatchlings! After a long arduous fight with bugs and many many battles with those distrubing Disconnect Forces, we have won the war! Welcome my frien...
Good day, Hatchlings! Today I bring you news of Update 0.67.4. This update addresses many of the issues we found over the passed week, resolves some problems wi...
Hello Hatchlings!!! The time has come once again for me to share with you all the things happening in the world of Reqweki and Tirsy's adventures. So lets dive...
Hello Hatchlings! It's been a long couple of months working on the game through the holidays and we have finally finished testing the new additions and fixes we...
Hello hatchlings! Tirsy's Tale has recently launched on steam with a warm welcome from its new players, and there have been several bugs and problem found and f...